And it's true! I'm thankful for the freedom and liberty we have in this country,
no matter what anyone says! And it's very precious. I'm thankful that we
have God's Word in our own language. I'm thankful that I have legal freedom
to do what's right and stand for truth. I want to show my appreciation
by how I live my life. I want to be a good steward of this precious gift!
Some things in America are dark right now, but if there's something I
can do, I'm surely going to try! I can pray, I can have a say in who
I feel should be a leader, I can try hard to be a good citizen, I can
try to live God's Word everyday. I want to shine God's light.
I would rather get up and do something, pray or be an example or
whatever, I would rather do something to make this country
better than sit around my house complaining about everything that's
wrong with it. If I can do something, something, no matter how
small, to make a difference, some difference, I'll most
certainly try!
This freedom may not be important to some people, but it is to me!
This freedom may not be important to some people, but it is to me!