Thursday, September 17, 2020


Hey, everyone! This is Rebecca Kellum I'm sorry the blogs have been so silent. In order for me to post pics they first have to be on PicasaWebs which can be so time consuming, and the posts are difficult to get to. I have a Facebook page now! If you care to check it, you can find faster updates and pictures of what's going on in our lives. Not saying I'm closing the blogs or anything like that! But check it out, please! Thanks!

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

#12 - Wendy Dicken, Midwest Center for Creative Arts

Meet my theatre director, Wendi Dicken! And find out what we do at MCCA.
Our theatre group also invites people with disabilities to participate.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Need We Say Anymore?

You can find hypocrites in any and every walk of life!

THAT'S RIGHT! Just like sadness, anger, hope...
If you're human, it is in every race!

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

MCCA (Midwest Center for Creative Arts)-How To Become a Pirate in Seven ...

With having to do rehearsals online and all, my theater director Wendi
Dicken asked us each to do an introductory video of our character. Sorry it's
so fuzzy. It was taken on a phone.

Saturday, April 25, 2020


Hey, everybody! How are you all? Are you staying safe, and staying well?
I have never seen something like this in my lifetime. It's like events I have read
about in the history books, only it's happening now! The lifestyle change at the
stores, and visiting with people is mind blowing.

We must continue to pray for those who have lost loved ones so suddenly
due to this virulent plague, for those who are sick, and those who are fighting it.
Honestly, by quarantine and social distancing, we are all fighting it!

Thank you to those who are on the front lines:

Thank you to the doctors, nurses, first responders, and all medical
staff for your taxing sacrifices! We pray and hope you are seeing some
of the fruits of your labors. May this mess end soon!

Thank you to the people who work at medical facilities who are not
medically personnel: secretaries, janitors...

Thank you to the bankers, grocery workers, POSTAL SERVICE,
police officers, gas station workers, fast food workers, retail workers, the list goes on
and on. Thank you for going out there everyday to give us a sense of normalcy! We appreciate it and
pray for your safety!

Thank you to our soldiers who daily put their lives on the line for us oversees, under
conditions we cannot imagine. You and your families are thought of often! You are
NOT forgotten, no matter how much the news might make you feel like you are!

What is interesting is that weeks before this virus bombarded us, the Lord was putting
it on my heart to give thanks for bankers, grocery workers, postal service, and others. He was laying it on my heart that these people have important jobs too, even though they may be overlooked
because they don't have a 'cool' job like police officers and such. God pressed this into my mind
for a while even before this hit!

To those of you who have lost loved ones or fear that you might, my heart goes out to you!
I am so sorry for what you are going through. With all the many ways people can pass away,
with car accidents and other things, this fell on us so suddenly.

And to those of you who are patients in medical facilities, our thoughts are with you too!
I can't imagine being in there for so long, without being able to have visitors! Our
prayers are with you!

I do hope and pray this ends soon. Stay safe and healthy.

Love, Rebecca

Monday, April 20, 2020

Someone Else's Star Lyrics

Sometimes it is SO hard to wait! I don't want to have all these dreams
and desires if God isn't going to grant them! If they're not meant to be,
don't let me set my heart on them!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Donating $50,000 Of N95 Masks To Battle Coronavirus

This video isn't just about some popular guy handing in his money to look
cool. No, Dr. Mike is a real doctor and is trying to help his colleagues protect
themselves as they help fight this and take care of people. But watch it, it's
full of information too, including testing sites how they handle testing people
for Covid-19.

Doctor VS Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories

Sunday, March 1, 2020

I'm Still Here!

Hey, everyone! Yes, we're still here and I feel so bad for not posting
for so long. The main reason I haven't is because blogging on here
isn't like one my wordpad program for the computer where I can
click on Save or Don't Save before finishing something. ONE time
on here, I had written a HUGE post and had worked so hard at getting
it right! Then with one accidental push of the wrong button, it all disappeared
and then on here the post automatically saved! And I could not get the original
post back!

I want to share with you guys, I really do. But I dread the thought of again, pouring out
my heart or writing something important to me, and very long, only to have
it wiped away just like that and having to reword everything. In case you're wondering,
that is the main reason I haven't posted. But I think of you every day!


Monday, January 13, 2020

Trust His Word

This version of this song has seen me through so many painful moments,
and today I needed to be reminded of it so badly! Listen to the songs from
Majesty Music and Ron Hamilton. I promise you will be blessed!