Sunday, March 22, 2020

Donating $50,000 Of N95 Masks To Battle Coronavirus

This video isn't just about some popular guy handing in his money to look
cool. No, Dr. Mike is a real doctor and is trying to help his colleagues protect
themselves as they help fight this and take care of people. But watch it, it's
full of information too, including testing sites how they handle testing people
for Covid-19.

Doctor VS Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories

Sunday, March 1, 2020

I'm Still Here!

Hey, everyone! Yes, we're still here and I feel so bad for not posting
for so long. The main reason I haven't is because blogging on here
isn't like one my wordpad program for the computer where I can
click on Save or Don't Save before finishing something. ONE time
on here, I had written a HUGE post and had worked so hard at getting
it right! Then with one accidental push of the wrong button, it all disappeared
and then on here the post automatically saved! And I could not get the original
post back!

I want to share with you guys, I really do. But I dread the thought of again, pouring out
my heart or writing something important to me, and very long, only to have
it wiped away just like that and having to reword everything. In case you're wondering,
that is the main reason I haven't posted. But I think of you every day!
